Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mel Gibson to Judge: Oksana is Malicious!

Incredibly, Oksana Grigorieva's claims that Mel Gibson beat her during sex didn't sit well with the star. Now he's moving to have her stripped of custody, STAT.

Mel Gibson's lawyer went to court for an emergency hearing Friday, asking the judge to strip the "malicious" Oksana Grigorieva of custody of baby Lucia ASAP.

Oksana Grigorieva claimed earlier in the week that Mel Gibson beat her during sex to get aroused. Mel Gibson and his lawyers were outraged at the claim - and that it got out.

He Looks So Normal HereO.G. Pic
Mel accuses Oksana's camp of leaking confidential info.

Mel Gibson to Judge: Oksana is Malicious!

Mel Gibson's family lawyer, Stephen Kolodny, asked Judge Scott Gordon to strip custody from Oksana Grigorieva on grounds she acted maliciously by allegedly leaking the story.

The claim about Mel Gibson stems from a court deposition that was supposed to be kept confidential and hasn't been confirmed. It's unclear how the report got out.

Kolodny also argued many allegations Oksana Grigorieva made in her deposition have never been made before and is a belated attempt to smear Mel Gibson and harm Lucia.

The judge scheduled a full hearing for next month. (THG)